Affiliation:- Under Process     With PCI and BTE

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“Trying to produce a change in the current educational paradigm, and giving dreams introspection, analytical ability, assimilation and creativity, Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences enables children to derive optimum benefit.”

Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences


Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences basti, The College started with the goal to providing quality education to young people so that they can grow into full human beings. This educational institution believes in providing children with a values-based education along with cognitive excellence. The Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences also places great emphasis on physical and social-emotional development and organizes numerous events and activities to provide each child with all the skills necessary for a full personality development. Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences basti is One of the Best Pharmacy College in Basti. Prem Kumari College of Medical Sciences basti is in the process of affilation with BTE and PCI.

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Director's' Desk

Director Shubham Global School basti You are all here as students of this College. How can any study be worthy, if it does not confer good knowledge and prompt one to do good work? An Education that help you merely to keep alive is no education at all. The wheels of the chariot of life are good knowledge and good deeds. Charity and sacrifice is spiritual, good behavior is spiritual, keeping away from evil is spiritual. Man feels that riches are paramount, but what he fancies as wealth are but material, momentary and trivial things. Character, virtue, brotherhood, charity –these are the real riches. The company of the good and the godly is wealth, most worthy. Wisdom is the most precious wealth. The educated person must live this conviction. Search for more riches can never confer contentment and peace of mind. In every field, students must strive to become ideal leaders and guides. The students of today are the citizens of tomorrow who will shape the destiny of a nation. When you grow straight and strong, every department of public and governmental activity will become efficient and be efficent....


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